Thursday, February 27, 2020

Explore Mongolia with Best Accommodation Services

Surrounded by China and Russia border Mongolia is far-flung desert land. When it comes to tourism and adventures this beautiful hardly well-trodden land never disappoints you. Here you can see beautiful deserts and stunning scenery to Wildlife Mountains and emerging luxury hotels. If you are planning to come here and worried about staying, then forget about it because you can find the best facilities for accommodation in Mongolia.

Accommodation in Mongolia
If you truly want to explore this beautiful country then you must choose the best accommodation in Mongolia. The region is that this country has so much to offer.

Things to do in Mongolia

Mongolia's immense territories of wild, from the rambling Gobi Desert to the snow-crested mountains situated in the Bayan-Ölgii Province, offer a lot of scopes for the travel enthusiasts. Jeep, horse, camel ride mountain biking and bird watching are nevertheless a couple of the exercises on offer. Many tourists can likewise investigate various sanctuary ruins like Mañjuśrī Monastery on the inclines of Bogd Khan Mountain or Ongi Monastery in the Dundgovi Province.

The capital Ulaanbaatar is changing at a pace that any returning guests will discover confounding. In a moderately short space of time, the city has transformed into an ultra-present day city with worldwide cafés, five-star inns, shopping canters and glass tower squares – a definite indication of Mongolia's status as an exceptional Asian travel hotspot.

Accommodation in Mongolia

For accommodation in Mongolia, you can find various hotels some are run by family and some are international chain hotels. From that, you can choose the perfect one for you. Camping accommodation Mongolia is the most beautiful way to explore the country. There is much other accommodation in Mongolia option also. So don't think too much about your stay and plan a trip right away!

While there is a lot of nightlife and fervour in Ulaanbaatar, don't visit Mongolia without investigating the wild, to a great extent untainted scenes and the conventional way of life of its occupants. Leaving the capital doesn't mean being stranded from civilization. The web is currently accessible even in little towns and it isn't exceptional to see migrants toting cell phones. It is maybe this complexity that makes Mongolia such a captivating goal to visit today. Get arranging your outing to Mongolia now before the vacationer crowds unavoidably get on.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mountain Biking Tour in Mongolia: The Perfect Adventure!

Mountain biking is definitely one of the most interesting activities to indulge in. If you are planning a great holiday then Mongolia is the perfect destination for you. Here, you can try the mountain biking tour in Mongolia which will satiate your love for adventure sports. In this post, I will be giving you all the details of one such tour in Mongolia that you can surely try. So, let’s get started. 

Mountain biking tour in Mongolia
Mountain Bikers
Mountain Biking Tour in Mongolia: The Perfect Adventure!

Mongolia has some of the most beautiful and one-of-a-kind sites to see. One such place is Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Here, you can see some of the most interesting, not-to-be-missed attractions like Gandantegchelin Monastery, Manzushir Monastery, Ghorki,-Terelj National Park, Hustai National Park, Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve, and the Chinggis Khan Statue Complex.

This place which has been changing location and name for more than twenty times since the 1600's, is the capital of Mongolia. Currently, the city is a vibrant place with more than a million residents where both a nomadic and modern lifestyle is practiced. The city has much scenery and culture to offer tourists to experience and see. But one of the best attractions of this place is that you can opt for a great biking tour here. This will allow you to enjoy the best scenic beauty of this place. Below I am giving away the tour description:

Tour Description:

You can take a bike tour in the vast terrain of Inner Mongolia, Gobi and wide open steppes in Mongolia. You can also go for the trip on the Great Tea Road from China through Mongolia to Saint Petersburg, Russia. This road was a crucial commercial road as according to the history it played an important role in introducing and distributing the luxury drink of tea throughout the world and also between Asia and Europe. 

Alternative section of Tea Road Cycling Tour:

The Great Tea Road is also called the longest land trade route in the history of mankind. The best part is that a key section of it is now honoured as a travel route for the special interests of adventure travelers around the world. This has also created a yearning to honour the trading history and the achievements of this old path. 

Mountain Biking Tour
Mountain Biking Tour 
In 2017, to honor its glorious past, the very first cycling tour was organized along this legendary route. So, if  you want to explore the very best that Mongolia has to offer with your bike then this is the trip which should be there at the top of your bucket-list. 

What Else?

So what are you waiting for? Just pack your bags today and head out to explore the breath-taking beauty of this country with mountain biking tour in Mongolia.  If you are looking for a trusted source that can help you get started with the tour then feel free to check out the services of They offer you the perfect trip at The foothills of the Altai Mountains. Here you can experience the wide open landscape, breathtaking vistas of the snow capped high peaks which makes an ideal terrain for serious mountain bikers!

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